Ed Falco

Ed Falco is the author of a dozen books, including novels, short story collections, and poetry collections. Recipient of the Emily Clark Balch Prize in Fiction from the Virginia Quarterly Review, The Robert Penn Warren Prize in Poetry from the Southern Review, as well as a Pushcart Prize and an NEA grant in fiction, his short stories have been published in journals and anthologies, including The Atlantic Monthly, Playboy, Ploughshares, and The Best American Short Stories. His crime novel, The Family Corleone, developed from unproduced scenes from screenplays by Mario Puzo, was a New York Times Best Seller, and has been translated in twenty-one foreign editions. The audio edition, narrated by Bobby Cannavale, was included in The Washington Post’s list of “The Five Best Audio Books of 2012.” Raised in Brooklyn, NY, Ed currently lives in Blacksburg, Virginia, where he teaches in Virginia Tech’s MFA Program in Creative Writing.